Accreditations, company certifications & employee qualifications
The Fire and Security Industry requires any work to be conducted in the correct manner and according to high standards ultimately people’s lives and safety are at risk.
Our team of fire and security engineers are qualified electricians and have extensive knowledge of fire alarm and detection systems. All Sensetech Systems Engineers are qualified in the design and commissioning of fire systems. We are certificated by the BRE to issue LPS1014 certificates on our Fire detection and alarm systems, for Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance.
We also encourage our apprentice engineers to develop a comprehensive fire and security knowledge. Each apprentice is trained to a high standard at college and within the industry.
The whole team is capable of installing and commissioning security systems and the senior security engineers are qualified in both CCTV and Access Control systems. In house I.T. and networking technicians are available to support the entire team with extensive knowledge of security networks and infrastructure.